Peanut Butter and Banana Pupcakes

If you’re a dog owner, chances are you’ve heard of pup-cakes (puppy x cupcakes). They’re the perfect treat to celebrate your beloved pup’s birthday or any other special occasion, as they provide them with essential nutrients and they LOVE the peanut butter flavour.
These ones are super easy to make – just chuck everything in a bowl and mix together, then top with icing that’s made with just plain yoghurt, peanut butter and a teaspoon of UMF 10+ Manuka Honey. Decorated with dog biscuits- you can either use store bought, or try our Healthy Dog Treats with Peanut Butter and Manuka Honey which can be stored in an airtight container for up to a month.
These easy pupcakes are perfect to freeze for taking out when your doggo deserves a treat, or they can be stored in an airtight container for up to a week. As this is a preservative free pupcake recipe, in warmer weather it’s better to store in the fridge or freeze until you’re ready to use them.

We follow @lilredrusty the cavoodle as he turns another year older and is celebrated just as he should be!
If you’re keen to try this recipe, use our Anytime Range Manuka Honey for baking and cooking in the base recipe, and a teaspoon of our Daily Range Manuka Honey for immunity Support in the icing as it won’t be heated.
Manuka Honey is particularly good for our furry ones, as it can support their gut health, skin health and oral health and can be used not only internally, but as a natural ointment for dogs if they suffer from eczema, swimmers ear or any cuts or infections.
If you try these pupcakes for your little ones, make sure you tag us on social - @steensmanukahoney – we LOVE seeing everyone’s pets enjoying our honey. In fact we just love seeing animals in general ;)
Love from the Steens team and @lilredrusty xx

- 2 Ripe Bananas
- 150 g Peanut Butter (SEE NOTES BELOW)
- 2 Medium Eggs
- 75 g Honey
- 100 g Wholemeal Flour
- 75 g Rolled Oats
- 1/4 tsp Baking Powder (optional)
- 125 ml Water
- ¼ cup peanut butter (ensure it is 100% natural – Pics is amazing)
- 225g natural Greek yoghurt
- 1 tsp Daily Range Manuka Honey
- 12 Dog Biscuits – try our 100% natural dog treats

Preheat your Oven to 180C/160C Fan and get 12 cupcake cases ready.
Add your Banana to a bowl and mash up.

Add in the Peanut Butter, Eggs, and Honey and mix together till combined.

Add in the Flour, Oats and Baking Soda and mix till combined - it will be quite thick.
Add in the water a little at a time until all mixed in

Split evenly between the 12 cases, and bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes until browned on top.
Leave the Pupcakes to cool fully, and remove from their cases (so the furry friends don't eat them!)

- Using an egg beater, blend ¼ cup of peanut butter together with 225g plain Greek yoghurt and 1 tsp Daily Range Manuka Honey and add a blob (you can use an ice cream scoop for perfect icing blobs, or make little swirls with an icing bag..) to the top of your pupcakes. Then pop a dog bikkie on top!

- IMPORTANT - You MUST make sure your Peanut Butter does NOT contain Xylitol - it's poisonous for dogs. It's also best to use one with no added Salt.
- We’ve used the smooth Pics Peanut Butter
- You can half the recipe to make six Pupcakes, or split half into twelve if you have a smaller dog who eats less! Bake them for 10 minutes if they are smaller.
- I store these in the fridge with or without the icing when its hot but if the temperature is cool enough and you haven’t iced them yet, they will last for a week in an airtight container in your pantry.
- These freeze well!