Plum Blueberry and Manuka Honey Jam

sheryl's kitchen


Paul and I started Steens Honey nearly 40 years ago, and we're still just as passionate about our bees as we always were. I love using our deliciously raw, grainy honey to create recipes with ingredients fresh from our garden in Papamoa Hills. 

This is a refrigerator jam that is simply delicious and it has to be one of my
favourite hacks!

We pop it on everything where a little jam is the flavour of the day, but happiness here is there are no cupfuls of refined sugar, only a tablespoon of healthy, delicious Raw Manuka Honey or a little more should you like it sweeter and it’s made in minutes.

Using honey with fruit is luscious, the florals go so well together. It’s an 'all seasons' jam as it’s just as good with frozen berries if fresh fruit is lacking. There’s a mix of both in this one and it very frequently joins us at breakfast.⁠

I have started freezing some too but I’m yet to try it so I can’t advise whether this is a good idea or not!⁠

A handy motto to remember is ‘Eating Raw Manuka Honey is the most beautiful and most beneficial.’ ⁠



1kg (35.3oz) fresh plums, remove the stones and chop into quarter’s⁠

350g (12.3oz) bag frozen organic blueberries (raspberries are also great)

Juice of 2 mandarins (as that’s what I had), but an orange or lemon is just as good⁠.

1 tsp pure Vanilla

1/2 cup Chia Seeds

1-2 tbsp Steens Raw Manuka Honey


Pop all the above into a pot and slowly bring to heat giving the mix the odd stir until the plums are cooked through. Remove from heat and allow to cool off. Using any kind of blender (I use a stick one), blend up to a smooth consistency.⁠


Add 1-2 tablespoons Steens Raw Manuka Honey, make sure your jam has cooled down as you want all the benefits of the raw honey and you get them in the recipe and ½ cup of chia seeds, give another good whizz.⁠



Put into jars, cover, and store in the refrigerator. Let it sit overnight to give the chia seeds time to swell and set the jam. This makes around 5 jars and will last for a couple of weeks in the fridge.⁠


Enjoy! 💛


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