Summer fruits ricotta toast

If you're searching for a breakfast or snack that combines simplicity with a burst of flavours, look no further than this ricotta toast! This delightful treat is not only quick to prepare but also offers a perfect balance of creamy, sweet, and tangy elements, making it an ideal choice for a satisfying morning meal.

Summer ricotta toast begins with a slice of your favourite bread, toasted to a golden brown perfection. The choice of bread is crucial; a hearty sourdough or a rustic whole grain can elevate the texture and taste, providing a crunchy base that contrasts beautifully with the creamy ricotta cheese.

Ricotta cheese is the star of this dish, offering a mild and creamy texture that pairs wonderfully with the bright citrus flavour of fruits. Its luscious richness makes every bite delightful, creating a harmonious blend of textures and flavours that are sure to please your palate.

There are many topping choices from peaches to mango and citrus. Oranges add a refreshing citrus burst that complements the creaminess of the ricotta. Their natural sweetness and juiciness provide a perfect balance, making the toast both invigorating and satisfying. For an added flavour boost, consider using blood oranges or mandarins. Their vibrant colour and slightly different taste profiles can bring a unique twist to your morning treat.

To elevate the flavour and get your daily dose of methylglyoxal, a drizzle of raw manuaka honey over the top adds a touch of natural sweetness that ties all the ingredients together. For an added crunch, a sprinkle of chopped nuts, such as almonds or pistachios, introduces a nutty flavour that enhances the overall taste and texture of the toast.

Summer fruit ricotta toast is not just delicious; it’s also packed with nutrients. Oranges and peaches are both rich in vitamin C, while ricotta provides protein and calcium. Combined with the fiber from whole grain bread and the healthy fats from nuts, this breakfast option is both tasty and nourishing!

This recipe is a delightful and nutritious way to start your day. It’s easy to make, full of vibrant flavours, and sure to become a favourite in your breakfast repertoire. Try it out and experience a new level of morning indulgence!

The Steens Team x


  • Bread - For this recipe, we used ciabatta. Hover a sourdough or rustic whole grain would work great. If you would like to transform these into bite-size appetizers, sub slices of baguette!
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and Black pepper
  • Ricotta
  • Raw Manuka Honey (we used UMF 10+)
  • Lemon zest
Topping Options
  • Pistachios
  • Oranges
  • Pomegranate 
  • Mint
  • Peaches
  • Hempseeds

Cut your bread, brush lightly with olive oil, and toast either on the grill or using a toaster. Sprinkle with flaky sea salt.

Whip the ricotta with a pinch of salt and pepper. Spoon it into a small bowl.
Assemble the toast by spreading the whipped ricotta onto the bread.

Add crushed roasted pistachios, drizzle honey and add fresh lemon zest.

For a summery citrus toast, spread the ricotta and top with slices of orange, pomegranate seeds, mint leaves, crushed pistachios and a drizzle of raw Manuka honey.

For a beautifully sweet peach toast, combine the ricotta layer topped with finely sliced peach. A heavy drizzle of raw Manuka honey and a sprinkle of hemp seeds. 

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